Foto by Prof. Armin Prinz, Vienna, Austria, 2006.
Makengele - Mamungwa, who calls himself SAPINart, was born in Kinshasa on Nov. 11th, 1980. He started painting in 1995, was taught by Cheri Cherin and is now a Congolese popular art-painter.
Expositions: 2005 "Regards sur les 15 ans de transition", Hotel Memling and Bibliotheque Wallonie-Bruxelles; 2006 Biennale de l'art africain de Dakart, DAK'ART; 2007 "Le Congo d'hier, d'aujourd'hui et de demain", Hotel Memling, Kinshasa; 2008 "De Stadsschilders van Kinshasa", Hofke van Chantraine, Belgium; 2010 "FUTUR CONGO", De Warande, Turnhout, Belgium; "50 Jahre Unabhängigkeit des Kongo in Bildern", Castle of Puchenau, Linz, Austria; "Die Freiheit und der Kongo", Jägermayrhof, Linz, Austria.
address: Av. Commerciale n.353, Q/7, C/NDJILI
"QUI POUR LA R.D.C.". Acrylic colors and collage on canvas, 118 x 165 cm, 2008.
(Part of the "Prof. Armin Prinz Donation").
"LE CONGO ALA CROISEE DES CHEMINS". Acrylic colors on canvas, 125 x 174 cm, 2007.
(Part of the "Prof. Armin Prinz Donation").
"QUI FAIT QUOI ET QUAND". Acrylic colors on canvas, 87 x 116 cm, 2006 .
(Part of the "Prof. Armin Prinz Donation").
"Qui est Obama? (Who is Obama?)". Acrylic colors on canvas, 68 x 99 cm, 2009.
"Fiers de l'etre". Acrylic colors on canvas, 89 x 124 cm, 2009.
"Le terrorisme ennemi de le mondialisation". Acrylic colors on canvas, 120 x 165 cm, 2008.
"COURSE AU POUVOIR". Acrylic colors on canvas, 120 x 158 cm, 2007.
"L'IMAGE D'UN CONGO PROSPERE ET D'ESPOIR". Acrylic colors on canvas, 120 x 200 cm, 2006.
"OPERATION VANDA NA MBOKA". Acrylic colors on canvas, 133 x 176 cm, 2006.
"Tentative de l'impossible (Trying the Impossible)". Acrylic colors on canvas, 77 x 103 cm, 2004.
"Atterrissage force (Forced Landing)". Acrylic colors on canvas, 73 x 97 cm, 2004.
"La fin de la Demagogie (The End of the Demagogues)". Acrylic colors on canvas, 102 x 189 cm, 2005.
"Quoi! Pour le Congo?". Acrylic colors on canvas, 98 x 117 cm, 2006.
"Evenemet du 22 au 23.03.07 a Kinshasa RDC". Acrylic colors on canvas, 85 x 107 cm, 2007.